About Emily

About Emily

Emily's debut book is launching soon. This book, as well as Emily's speaking and coaching ministry, are fueled by the power of her personal testimony going from a place of knowing about Jesus to knowing Him intimately. Raised in the church, Emily participated in all the church activities. From confirmation and youth group to adult bible study. Despite the exposure, she had to Jesus, she was in her mid 30’s before understanding that Jesus died to have a relationship with her, not for her religion.

Emily believes that her story of redemption, restoration and stepping into the spiritual gifts that the Father had prepared for her will bless both men and women who were raised in the church. 
Through Designed To Be Ministries, Emily has encountered countless people who love God, but do not know Jesus, or understand the authority that comes through knowing Him and inviting Holy Spirit into their life circumstances. With any invitation to speak, Emily pursues The Father for affirmation that it is His assignment for her. He has released her to speak on many subjects, including these: 

Developing Your Personal Relationship With Jesus: Taking a look at the internal and external influences that draw Christians away from, or convince them they are unworthy of, intimacy with The Lord. 

Discerning The Voice Of The Lord: God’s word says, “My sheep know My voice.” As Christians, we are His sheep. When a believer cannot hear The Lord, it is only because something is in the way. God loves to bring forth His strategic plan to help His children hear His voice.  

Fruit Of The Spirit: Emily believes that our sanctification process is a journey of cultivating the nature of God within. Every circumstance we face is an opportunity to mature in the fruit of God’s Spirit. God's nature is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Everything that is opposite these attributes displaces God and His Spirit. We will never arrive - always growing, always being sanctified.   

What qualifies Emily?

First and foremost, it is the presence of Christ within me and His death and victorious resurrection that qualifies me. The Lord Jesus placed a call on my life and I said, "Yes".

Since 2013, I have had the privilege of leading countless women through a journey of enhancing their relationship with Jesus and to coming to know the Spirit of God more intimately.  I am not educated by a Theological Seminary, but have have gone to school of Holy Spirit, done business with The Lord, and have come out of the strongholds that once bound me. 
The Lord has made clear what my assignment in Christ Jesus is and I am moving in obedience to carry that out. He has given me spiritual gifts to use for His glory and until He tells me to stop, I will continue doing so.  I'd love to meet you somewhere along the way!

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